Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sneaker "Angel" Heugly

Our "Angel" sneaker's last days we'll never forget. She put up a good fight to stay alive, but her body was too weak. "The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak." Your family loves you sneaker, and we will never forget your sweet little spirit. You served your mission well. You taught us to love unconditionally, and you taught us compassion. Our family has never been closer than we are now, all because of you. Thank you. You have reminded us of the importance of life and to never take each other for granted, to stay close to our Heavenly Father, and to live each day as if it were our last. Because you never know when it may be. We love you! You will always be with us. You are our sweet little angel.
Love, Mom


Brittany said...

Hey, so sorry to hear about your loss. It's so hard to say goodbye to a friend and someone who loves you so much! Good thing we will see them again soon. I love your guys' pictures and blog. It's so great to feel like we're keeping in touch with you better now!

Anonymous said...

To the Family,
I am sorry to hear about the loss of little sneakers what a cutie. I didn't get to meet you, but you are a member of a wonderful family so I am sure you were pretty lucky and loved. Justin and Cindy, we love you and hope to see you soon.

Love Always,

Sue said...

Sneaker knew you all loved her..She gave to you all she had...I hope she finds grandma's Tiki and enjoys her pain free life till you see her again...


Alicia said...

I'm SO sorry! I just heard! I've been trying to call you for days (seriously since last week) but I assume you've just been really busy. Mom just told me! I am SOOOOOO sorry, more than you could ever know! We all loved sneaker! She was a sweet little puppy! Its probably a good thing I couldn't get a hold of you because I'm a big baby but I love you and if you need anything just call! Love you!

(I'll keep trying to call you though!)